Arizona Democrat Attorney General Candidate Defends Left-Wing Activists That Harassed Senator Sinema in Bathroom


Arizona State Representative Diego Rodriguez (D-Phoenix), who is running for Arizona Attorney General, on Sunday seemingly defended left-wing activists who followed and harassed U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) in a public restroom.

The individuals ambushed and followed Sinema while she was leaving her classroom at Arizona State University, where she teaches a class.

According to the video posted to twitter, the individuals followed Sinema into a public restroom and videoed themselves confronting her.

After the video spread quickly across the platform, Rep. Rodriguez took to Twitter to agree with the activists and further attack Sinema.

“Clearly, the people of Arizona are not going simply sit back and allow their wants and needs to be ignored by the same ELECTED officials they helped put into office,” Rodriguez wrote.

The group and other progressive individuals have attacked the “moderate” Democrat for her stance on a host of issues, including President Joe Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion spending package.

“Yesterday’s behavior was not legitimate protest. It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom,” the senator said in a statement.

While Rodriguez defended the unlawful actions of the individuals, Republican Attorney General Lacy Cooper condemned the actions committed against Sinema.

“It was 100% wrong – and a clear violation of state statute – for agitators to film @SenatorSinema and other innocent women in a public restroom. Read the law. There must be consequences,” Cooper wrote in response to Rodriguez.

This is not the first time members of the Arizona State University community have been attacked for their political beliefs. Last month, two students were confronted and called “racist” for having “Police Lives Matter” stickers on their laptops.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Diego Rodriguez” by Arizona State Legislature.


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2 Thoughts to “Arizona Democrat Attorney General Candidate Defends Left-Wing Activists That Harassed Senator Sinema in Bathroom”

  1. william delzell

    Good for AZ’s A.G.! Sinema is really a turn-coat Republican D.I.N.O. (Democrat-In-Name-Only) or a R.IA.B.N. (Republican-In-All-But -Name). REAL Democrats have tolerated here and Charles Manson (W.Va.) long enough. At least Strom Thurmond was honest enough to admit he was really a Republican by 1964, for all his faults!

    1. Tim Price

      So people get by with harassment while you bless their effort?

      Ever hear of the right to have a difference of opinion on an issue?

      As you are a hard core progressive, I suspect not!

      Sinema has enough sense to know that money does not grow on trees as most Democrats believe.
